Drew Lewis
Last Updated:
- March 23, 2020
Last Updated: Monday March 23rd @ 11:10 am
- Schools are closed, and many parents are having to stay home to take care of their kids.
- Businesses are shutting down (voluntarily or by State order) to help limit the spread of the virus.
- Employees want to work from home to stay healthy or self quarantine.
Article Contents:
Can I take time off to take care of my kids during school closures?
Question #1
Can I take time off to take care of my kids during school closures?
UPDATE 3/18/2020: The President signed the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act on March 18, 2020. It is expected to go into effect by April 3, 2020. When it does, many workers will be entitled to receive up to 80 hours of paid sick leave for Coronavirus-related absences. Covered absences include:
- Staying home because you are required to under a shelter-in-place order or to self-quarantine.
- To take care of a child due to a Coronavirus-related school or day care closure.
Additionally, if you work for a company with 25 or more employees at the same location, you are entitled to up to 40 hours of unpaid leave each year to address an emergency involving your child care provider or you child/ren’s school. Your child/ren must either be in grades 1 through 12 or of the age to attend child care.
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What Do I Do If My Employer Closes for the Next Few Weeks?
Question #2
What Do I Do If My Employer Closes for the Next Few Weeks?
Additionally, if you become sick or are required to take care of a seriously ill family member while unemployed, you are likely eligible to for California’s Paid Family Leave. Paid Family Leave provides between $50 and $1,300 per week for eight weeks to cover lost wages while taking care of your own serious illness or that of a family member. You do not need to be currently employed, but you must be looking for work.
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When am I protected from retaliation from my employer for Coronavirus-related issues?
Question #3
When am I protected from retaliation from my employer for Coronavirus-related issues?
Paid Sick Leave
Fair Employment and Housing Act
Emergency Child Care Leave
- Demotion
- Suspension
- Reduction in pay
- Reduction in responsibility
- Termination/Firing
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What If My Employer Allows Me To Work From Home?
Question #4
What If My Employer Allows Me To Work From Home?
- What will your schedule be/will you work a modified schedule?
- What devices and systems will you need access to and how will you access them while working off-site?
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How Do I Qualify For Unemployment Insurance?
Question #5
How Do I Qualify For Unemployment Insurance?
- Sick or quarantined;
- Providing care to a child or family member;
- Have had your hours reduced;
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Do I Qualify For California Paid Sick Leave If I Feel Sick?
Question #6
Do I Qualify For California Paid Sick Leave If I Feel Sick?
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How Do I Qualify For Paid Family Leave?
Question #7
How Do I Qualify For Paid Family Leave?
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Can I Be Penalized or Fired for Needing to Self Quarantine?
Question #8
Can I Be Penalized or Fired for Needing to Self Quarantine?
Employees who have contracted the Coronavirus (Covid-19) may be allowed to self-quarantine under the new Federal Emergency Paid Sick Lave law. If you are sick with Coronavirus you are likely covered under the various California leave laws including the California Paid Sick Leave law. If you experience serious symptoms (as opposed to mild symptoms) from having Coronavirus you might be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the Fair Employment and Housing Act which permits you to take an extended leave or work remotely.
In an effort to be socially responsible, many employers are providing work-from-home or other time of remote work arrangements.
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Can I Apply for Unemployment if My Employer Closed Temporarily But Is Planning to Reopen At Some Point?
Question #9
Can I Apply for Unemployment if My Employer Closed Temporarily But Is Planning to Reopen At Some Point?
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Is My Employer Required To Pay My Wages From the Current Pay Period If I Was Temporarily Laid Off?
Question #10
Is My Employer Required To Pay My Wages From the Current Pay Period If I Was Temporarily Laid Off?
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Can I Be Fired For Staying At Home In Order To Comply With the San Francisco Bay Area's Shelter-In-Place Order?
Question #11
Can I Be Fired For Staying At Home In Order To Comply With the San Francisco Bay Area's Shelter-In-Place Order?
No. California has not instituted a statewide shelter-in-place order requiring that non-essential employees stay at home except under limited circumstances such as obtaining groceries or attending medical appointments.
- Demotion
- Suspension
- Reduction in pay
- Reduction in responsibility
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I’m a salaried exempt employee – what are my rights?
Question #12
I’m a salaried exempt employee – what are my rights?
- You take a day or more off for purely personal reasons;
- Your employer has a plan to provide compensate you for sick days (typically where Paid Time Off or Sick Pay is applied);
- During your first or last week of employment you do not work a full week (in which case your salary can be prorated);
- If you take leave under the Family Medical Leave Act or California Family Rights Act, your employer can pay you a proportionate amount of your salary for the days you work (for example when you take intermittent leave).
Can your employer reduce your wages?
- The change must be done prospectively (not retroactively) after you have been notified of the change;
- The reduction cannot be done for taking protected leave;
- The salary must be at least twice the state minimum wage in order for you to remain an exempt employee.
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